3 Healthy Habits to Complement Your Daily Stretch Routine

Why am I so committed to encouraging you to stretch?!

It’s because Assisted Stretching healed my hip pain—and changed my life.

I can’t tell this story of my own transformation enough.

It’s because I’ve personally experienced the miracle of Assisted Stretching.

In 2017, I injured my hip.

I fell while bowling during a game at my Ladies Bowling League. If you know me, you know I take my bowling very seriously! I knew I had done something serious to my hip when I woke up the next morning and could barely walk. 

The pain ran from my hip to my low back, and it was INTENSE.

For 6 weeks, I wasn’t able to teach my weekly Barre and Step group exercise classes at the YMCA.

I tried just about everything to ease the pain, including chiropractic visits and massages. I got some relief, but nothing truly worked. 

In fact, I could barely get around! My husband had to help me walk from the car into the doctor visits—I couldn’t go anywhere on my own, and I felt completely helpless!

One morning, I noticed the roller stretching tool that my boys had given me for Christmas in the corner of my bedroom, still in its packaging. 

I decided then to give it a try.

After a few days of using this roller, I began noticing results. I was astounded!

I couldn’t believe it... I finally had relief! 

I had experienced, firsthand, the amazing benefits of Assisted Stretching. Since then, it has been my mission to share stretching with you.

While I have created several online videos & workshops to show you proper stretching techniques, there is more to maintaining and reclaiming your mobility.

Here are 3 healthy habits to complement your daily stretch routine:

1. Get up and move—take a daily walk.

As the saying goes, “get up and stretch your legs.”

Yep, a daily walk can do wonders for your body—even if it is only a 5 minute walk to the end of your street and back. Schedule it into your daily calendar so that you actually take time to do it. Maybe it’s a brisk walk after breakfast, or a walk around the block at lunch break. Find a time where you can “stretch your legs” and make it a habit!

After all, walking kick starts your heart and lungs to pump blood and oxygen throughout your entire body. Walking engages the cross-crawl patterning when your arms and legs work together to help you move, enhancing brain function.

And last but not least, fresh air and nature is just good for the soul! You’ll feel uplifted, and I bet the more you walk, the more you’ll want to KEEP walking.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

You should aim to drink 64 oz. of water a day. That’s eight glasses of water at 8oz. each.

Hydrated muscles help you move with more ease. To help you remember to drink more water, set several reminders throughout the day on your phone!

3. Elevate your feet above your heart for 5 minutes a day.

This one is SO easy—you can do it while you’re watching your favorite TV show at night!

Lie on the floor and prop your feet over a chair, sofa, or at a 90 degree angle up a wall. This relieves low back and pelvis pressure, as well as stretches out your hamstrings. It restores blood flow to your feet and legs, easing stress, calming your nerves, and getting you ready for a good night’s sleep. I always do this stretch before bed!

If you’re brand new to Assisted Stretching, try out these 3 easy beginner stretches.