Posts in Health Tips
It Doesn't Come in a Bottle

This is a really hard question to ask, but…

Are you addicted to Ibuprofen?

If the answer is “yes,” then you are in good company because so many people are.

I have decided to write about it in hopes that this will give people hope that they can find alternative ways to deal with pain and feel better in their mind and body!

I have students that tell me that they have to take Ibuprofen before they work out in order to go through movements without pain.

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Could it be magic?

Could “it” be magic? I can’t seem to get this question out of my head. You see, I have a new private student who is an avid golfer. She loves it and seems to be a bit competitive with her fellow golfers.

At our first session, I told her that stretching would improve her golf game.

She looked a me with skepticism, but said “well, if you think so, I hope so, I’ll give it a try.”

She has been stretching with me for 4 weeks now. Yesterday, she casually mentioned to me that she had her best golf game ever the day before.

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This is How it Goes: The Risks of NOT Stretching

This is how it goes... Muscles tighten as we do daily life and climb in age... When muscles tighten, they shorten… When muscles shorten, they restrict range of motion and cause pain in our joints… When joints become painful, we move less… When we move less, joints stiffen and body functions slow down… When body functions slow down, circulation of blood and oxygen is reduced… When circulation is reduced, other health issues occur… Now we are so tight that we can’t move without pain, so we restrict our mobility even more to avoid it. And then we are set up for even more health issues.

You know what I’m going to say...

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Could Assisted Stretching be the Secret Weapon?

I saw a friend recently that I haven’t seen in many months. We both were attending a birthday party for a mutual friend. She has taken classes at my studio in the past.

She shocked us as she told us how much better she feels now that she stretches at home every day.

She put on a display showing us all the stretches she was doing. She encouraged everyone to start stretching and told them that I would show them how!

Whoa, hold the phone!

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Can Assisted Stretching Affect Bone Density? A Personal Account

Okay… I am 61 years old. There it is, right out there.

Make no mistake, I love being 61. I love having birthdays and becoming older. (It is better than the alternative of not having them...)

Eight years ago, I began to look at age very differently after one of my good friends passed away with cancer at the age of 48. Now, every year is a gift.

But as we age, life can present us with certain health issues.

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How Daily Assisted Stretching Helps You Maintain Independence As You Age

Recently, I had a stretching student tell me the story of her knee surgery that she had about 10 years ago.

She suffered from knee pain, so she went to the doctor who told her that she had a torn meniscus and would need to have surgery to repair it.

She took the doctor’s orders and scheduled a date for surgery.

A few weeks passed before her surgery date and she noticed that her knee pain had already subsided. She thought she may not need surgery after all, but she went ahead with her doctor’s recommendation anyways.

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The Big Myth About Stretching: Should It Hurt?

When a new student experiences real deep tissue stretches for the first time, they either love it or hate it.

The lovers can’t get enough and usually have an “ah-ha” moment.

The haters usually retreat and are afraid of the discomfort for fear that they will have more pain and not less. If I can coach them to stay with it and continue until that discomfort has eased—and it will!—then I know they have done something very profound and amazing for their body.

They are now on track to reap the life changing benefits of STRETCHING!

Remember: It takes time to get tight—it takes time to get un-tight!

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Men, Listen Up: You Should Be Stretching

My ultimate mission is to inspire everyone on the planet to stretch… that means you too, men! From my experience, men seem to be the hardest ones to convince of the benefits of regular Assisted Stretching, but they truly need it the most!

This is the honest truth: almost every woman who I have worked with in private sessions or classes always says to me, “My husband/son/boyfriend really, really needs to stretch. I wish I could get them to.”

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Everything Counts: 3 Simple Steps to Better Choices

Our bodies are like a house: they need regular work and renovation to keep it well maintained! Our bodies require thought and planning; just like a house, the details matter. Choosing the things we put into our bodies is like choosing a new light fixture for your kitchen. You can instantly see the light fixture; you can see the choices you have made to create the body you live in.

Get started renovating your body with these 3 simple steps.

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