Men, Listen Up: You Should Be Stretching

My ultimate mission is to inspire everyone on the planet to stretch… that means you too, men! From my experience, men seem to be the hardest ones to convince of the benefits of regular Assisted Stretching, but they truly need it the most!

This is the honest truth: almost every woman who I have worked with in private sessions or classes always says to me, “My husband/son/boyfriend really, really needs to stretch. I wish I could get them to.”

In Assisted Stretching, we find out a lot about what is going on inside our muscle tissue. The misconception is that stretching is a “waste of time” and “too easy.” When it comes to taking care of our physical health, people tend to think that they should be using their time only working out.

But me take a minute to discuss this myth.

Say you are in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s…

You have taken really good care of yourself over the years because you have eaten well and have been committed to a regular workout routine. You are fit on the outside and looking good!

But there is another story going on inside your body!

As you exercise and do daily life activities, your muscle tissue tightens. As muscle tissue tightens, it shortens and begins to pull away from the ligaments and tendons that attach to your joints.

This tight muscle tissue also restricts blood flow, circulation and hydration that is needed to keep our bodies healthy, balanced and free of pain.

If tight muscle tissue is not addressed and you continue on with your active lives… that muscle tissue only gets tighter—it doesn’t go away.

This leads to major restrictions in range of motion and mobility. We stop certain movement functions because we start to feel pain. That only further restricts blood flow, circulation and hydration because we modify movements in order not to feel pain.

Do you see where I am going? We eventually wind up so tight that we end up at Bone & Joint Institute.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Could it be that simple to just stretch out tight muscle tissue?

Come on, men! I know you want to continue to golf without back pain, workout, and play sports without shoulder, knee and foot pain. I bet you also want to sleep better and function in daily life at a higher level instead of a restricted one.

Listen to your body and listen to your loved one who urges and encourages you to give Assisted Stretching a try. So many of my students have experienced relief from a regular stretching routine.

Once you finally start stretching daily, you will never be the same! It will change your life for the better!

As the rancher “Big Al” in New Mexico once told me…

“You are as young as your spine is limber.”

Trust me, he is right!