The Big Myth About Stretching: Should It Hurt?


Should stretching hurt?

So many of my stretching students ask me this!

The BIG MYTH about stretching is that it seems easy to do and should feel good.

But stretching really tight muscle tissue can radiate a sensation of discomfort or feel painful—this is sometimes shocking to people who have never really stretched before!

I always love when a student groans and moans as they find areas of their body that are extremely tight and not easy to stretch.

I know that it is the inside of their body signaling to them, “Here it is! You found it! Way to go—now stretch it out!”

Can you imagine if we just ignored that signal?

That tight muscle tissue is not going away, and it will only get tighter and tighter as we continue our daily living! After all, the tightest muscles in our bodies are mostly overused from daily life and routine exercise.

When a new student experiences real deep tissue stretches for the first time, they either love it or hate it.

The lovers can’t get enough and usually have an “ah-ha” moment.

The haters usually retreat and are afraid of the discomfort for fear that they will have more pain and not less. If I can coach them to stay with it and continue until that discomfort has eased—and it will!—then I know they have done something very profound and amazing for their body.

They are now on track to reap the life changing benefits of STRETCHING!

Remember: It takes time to get tight—it takes time to get un-tight!

If decades have passed and we have only focused on exercising and going through daily life routines without also taking time to open up and elongate the muscles in our bodies, those muscles bind up so tight that it puts strain on joints, range of motion becomes restricted and painful, sleep is disrupted, and more.

So we go to the doctor for relief only to be prescribed medications, shots, sleep aids, and surgeries. Ugh!

I had to take a moment here to stop writing and “Pause” because I felt tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I see what is happening, because it happened to me!

My life has totally transformed through stretching. I don’t believe that I would still be able to teach my fitness classes and keep up an extremely active lifestyle at the age of 60 if I didn’t stretch daily!

I want to shout from the mountaintop: PEOPLE… STOP AND STRETCH!

What do you have to lose except mobility? It is too much for my heart to bear to watch that happen! I believe in Assisted Stretching so much that I have made it my life’s mission to inspire the world to stretch properly! I want everyone to reap its life-changing benefits.

So… should stretching hurt?

Stretching can be hard and yes… you can feel discomfort!

I always tell me students when I see the grimace on their faces as they move through something really tough and tight: “Way to go… I am really excited for you!”

It should feel good in a bad way or bad in a good way. We should never strain to stretch though. If we allow our bodies to talk to us and show us what’s going on inside, it will direct us how to heal it.

If we listen, I am convinced that our lives will change forever for the better!

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