Posts in Mental Health
Stretching to Relieve Stressing: 3 Stretches for Stress Relief

Stretching opens up tight muscle tissue and allows pathways for blood and oxygen to flow through our bodies more efficiently.

And oxygen is energy! When we stretch, we bring new life to our bodies. I truly believe it does reduce stress because I have experienced it myself.

When we feel better in our body, we feel better about daily life, our spirit is lifted, and then BAM—stress relief!

Give these 3 easy stress-relief stretches a try!

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What This Pandemic is Teaching Me: The True Power in Pausing

I received an email from my bookkeeper this week. She emailed me to say that she had been thinking of me and the name of my company. She said “how profound The Power To Pause seemed to her during these stressful times.”

Since everyone in the world is “Pausing,” the word “Power” made her feel positive about it.

She was gaining strength and inspiration from looking at the powerful positive side of this pandemic rather than the anxious negative side.

Her statement has not left my brain since I read it.

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Stretching... Out of Your Comfort Zone: My Story of Overcoming Fear

This is not my normal blog post that discusses stretching benefits. This post is about stretching in a different way—out of your comfort zone.

I am writing this from my hotel room in Saudi Arabia. I’m here to attend my son’s graduation from King Abdullah University of Science and Tech, where he will receive his Master’s degree in marine biology and graduate with honors!

My journey started when my son, Collin, first announced that he had been accepted into this world-renowned program—the only problem was that it was far, far away on the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

He would not attend without us (his parents) giving him our “okay.” I remember falling to my knees in my kitchen with excitement, filled with so much pride in my amazing son.


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Mental HealthConnie Williams